Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor of the Day — $5,000 or More
- 7 Available — First Come, First Serve Date of Choosing
- Minimum of FIVE (5) mentions on the PA system throughout the chosen day
- Free booth setup on chosen day
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo prominent live link on the homepage of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Announced mentions at Grandstand events
- Tagged mention on social media
- Boosted post on social media
- 50 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
- 20 single day carnival ride bracelets
Diamond Sponsorship — $2,500 or More
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo prominent live link on the homepage of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Announced mentions at Grandstand events
- Tagged mention on social media
- Boosted posted on social media
- 40 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
- 10 single day carnival ride bracelets
Platinum Sponsorship — $1,000 or More
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo live link on the homepage of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Announced mentions at Grandstand events
- Mention on social media
- 20 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
- 5 single day carnival ride bracelets
Concert Sponsorship — $1,000
Friends of the Fair — $800
Supports Friends of the Fair volunteer group; Volunteers will have shirts with sponsors’ names on the back that will be worn during the week of Fair for maximum visibility. Also includes:
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo live link on the homepage of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Announced mentions at Grandstand events
- Mention on social media
- 10 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
Gold Sponsorship — $500 or More
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo live link on the homepage of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Announced mentions at Grandstand events
- Mention on social media
- 10 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
Golf Cart Sponsorship — $500 (6 Available)
HIGH VISIBILITY throughout fair week while being used by Fair staff to run errands, transport visitors, and conduct various duties around the grounds. Professional signage will be posted on front and back of a golf cart. Also includes:
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo listing on sponsorship page of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Mention on social media
- 4 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)

Silver Sponsorship — $250 or More
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo listing on sponsorship page of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Mention on social media
- 4 Grandstand tickets (only good for the week of Fair; excludes concerts)
Bronze Sponsorship — $100 or More
- Roadway fence banner and Grandstand signage during the entire week
- Logo listing on sponsorship page of the fair website
- Listing on sponsorship posters distributed throughout the Fairgrounds
- Mention on social media
Sponsorship Policy
Complimentary Tickets and Bracelet Coupons will be distributed at the time of payment. No replacement of misplaced Bracelet Coupons, lost VIP bracelets or Grandstand tickets. Signage where noted will be provided by the Fair and remains the property of the Fair unless sponsorship wishes to provide their own within the guidelines of Fair policies.